28 February 2009

notes on india

  • india is everything, all at once
  • colourful, agressive, friendly, yummy, intense, curious, overwhelming
  • crazy busy, full of people
  • too many hassles...too many people thinking i'll buy something if they make it cheap enough...if i don't want it, it doesn't matter how cheap it is...even if its free, i don't want it!
  • honking all the time...each time we walked out on the street, i couldn't help but notice the symphony of honks...some are loud, some sound ill, some are rather just plain annoying...the there is the style of honking each driver has...timid, laying on the horn for ages, or honk honk honk honk...sometimes you can't even figure out what the honk is for!
  • too many sleazy men with the wrong idea about foreign women
  • i love that the women wear such bright, beautifully coloured clothes...men's clothes, by comparison, are boring
  • i wish i had had interactions with more indian women...those that i did have, were amazing...
  • i want to go back, and explore more of the country...there is so much i didn't get to see...
  • indians focus on today, and now...not on the future...when you are poor, and will never get out of being poor, there is no point in focusing on the future, because it's going to be the same as now...you might as well enjoy now...that's one of the reasons they are so friendly and open with foreigners..
  • many indians blame all the problems the country has on pakistan...
  • there is a HUGE difference between the haves, and have nots...and that gap is growing wider each year
  • there are huge differences in the entry prices for foreigners and locals...
  • many bollywood movies have the same general plot line...that's what makes them so fun to watch...you don't have to speak the language to know exactly what is happening in the movie...and indians get so much more into the story line, and the actors/actresses
  • not many postcards to be found in a country with over a billion people
  • the train system is awesome
  • religion plays a big part in daily life...even those who aren't religious (what few there are) still do many things the same way the religious folk do...

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