when i first started playing rugby in korea, the team was only in it's 3rd year...i never got to experience a formal with the team, whether it be at the beginning of the season or the end...i left korea the first time at the beginning of march 2008, and the first formal i heard about took place three weeks later...i was gutted i didn't get to attend...so when emails and itineraries came out for the formal this year, i was stoked...the emails said that space was going to be limited, so i rsvp'd as quickly as i could...
as it was, the date was changed several times, and i was relieved when it landed on a day/time i could
go...originally, i had signed up for a half mrathon that same day, but decided not to run...too cold, and i was sick...yuck...i got ready at home, then made my way over to elena's flat, and after she was ready, we made our way over to nat's flat...the picture on the left is of all the girls who got ready there...
the formal took place at one of the branches of zelen, a bulgarian restaurant...yum...none of us girls knew exactly where this branch was, so we ended up wandering around a small area for a few minutes...it was cold, and the walk wasn't so fun...anywho, we finally found it, and walked in to find nearly everyone else already there...(a group of girls running late? shocking, i know)...there was a banquet of sorts laid out, and the food was yummy...people were socializing, taking pictures, eating, and getting started drinking...our fee included all you can eat and drink...i kept telling people they had to make sure to drink my fair share as well...with rugby people, that's not a problem:)
in talking with ted, the survivor president, we decided to think about doing some co-ed activities during the season next year...in showing up at this banquet, i realized i didn't know very many of the guys...or their spouses/significant others for that matter...and they didn't know us...we support each other on the pitch, but for whateva reason, we haven't socialized and gotten to know each other as well...i don't know if any co-ed activities will actually happen, but the idea is there...
after the awards were over we all grabbed dessert, and went back to drinking and socializing...a simple night, but fun...around 2330, most people went over to scrooge for more drinking and socializing...since i could barely hear (ear infections) i went home and crashed...
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