waterford | |
waterford was our first city in the land of the green...the rest of the group landed in the dublin airport the morning of st patricks day...immediately upon arrival we got our hire cars, figured out who was driving, and left the city...no one in the group is big into partying, and dublin would've been an absolute madhouse had we stayed to celebrate...we got to waterford in time to see the st patricks day parade, which was great...apparently every town in ireland has a parade on this day, and it was nifty to see the whole town come out to celebrate their national day...the parade was filled with costumed folks, and kids walking with their local activity groups...we watched the parade for a while, then wandered through town a bit...i don't know how long the whole parade was, or how many groups were walking, or how many people stayed along the parade route to watch the entire thing...apparently the weather that day was way better than normal, which probably accounted for some of the people who were out and about...it's a cute little town...i found cupcakes!! they weren't fabulous, but they looked fabulous, and i'm a sucker for good looking cupcakes!!
waterford |
waterford is probably best known for waterford crystal...if you think you have waterford crystal, look at the bottom, and you should see the harp that is the symbol of the company...the factory is just outside town...at least, we think it is...the gps in the hire car didn't always work properly, so we weren't always sure where we were...we actually spent parts of two days in waterford, the second day was when we tried to find the crystal factory...we missed the last tour of the showroom building by only 30 minutes or so...argh...walking around the showroom was pretty impressive...it's a good thing i don't have the taste for waterford crystal, it isn't cheap!! i saw several items available for a measly 30,000 euro...even if i had gotten them tax free, that's still a whole LOT of money for pretty glass!! i liked some of the glasses, but would anyone really appreciate them any more than lookalike glasses you can get at target? probably not...then again, we all have different priorities when it comes to spending money...
cashel |
another town we visited was cashel...we mainly visited to see the rock of cashel, which is on the edge of town, but lunchtime was also in the town...it's small, and i think i walked around most of it during lunchtime...while everyone else in the group went into restaurants to eat, i found a bakery, bought way too many things (they all looked good, and i'm terrible at saying no in bakeries, especially since the bakeries in korea are severely lacking) and kept walking...the weather was absolutely lovely, and i didn't know if we'd continue to have the amazing weather, so i figured i should take advantage...i found the local information board, which mentioned a few sights around town, and getting around was easy...i found several more bakeries (i always go in them, even if i'm already carrying something from another bakery!) and then moved on to the sights...there was a famine wall, a lady's well, a fountain, etc...since it was a small town, pretty much every sight was just a little thing with a little sign...i enjoyed seeing an old dominican abbey too...too bad the gates were closed...
cashel |
this church was what i liked the best though...so colourful on the outside, and i loved the guy who came up to me in the carpark as i was taking photos, and told me about the church...needless to say, i've forgotten all of what he told me, but i loved hearing his enthusiasm for the church, and for the town in general...that seems to be typical of ireland, people love where they live, and they're proud of it...i don't often find that feeling...most of the time i get the feeling that people live someplace just because...i love meeting people who have that sense of happiness with life...the church was just as pretty on the inside as the outside...and the graveyard next door was full of celtic crosses...with the blue sky as background i tried to take a few arty sort of photos, but they didn't really turn out the way i hoped...one of these days i really need to look into getting a better camera...if only good cameras weren't so big...carrying around a big camera is no fun, especially when the rest of my life for five months fits into a pack and a day pack...anywho...
cashel |
you see family castles all over ireland...usually they are in the middle of the countryside, kinda popping up in the middle of nowhere...you look out the window of the car, and boom, there's a castle...but in this case, it was in the middle of the street in cashel...go figure...this was a former family castle, it's long since been turned into a fancy hotel and restaurant...how awesome would it be to stay in a castle in ireland? (we're all constantly encouraging jon and kelley to get a move on it for buying their castle in ireland...then we can all say we've stayed in a castle!...i'm such a dork)...every street in cashel had this same sort of look...colourful buildings attached to each other...if i had had another hour or two, i would've continued wandering and wandering...i don't know that i would've seen anything in particular, but it really was a lovely day...and i was thoroughly pleased by the goodies i had picked up at the bakery...oh how i miss european bakeries on a regular basis...that right there is reason enough to find a way to move back to europe...western europe in particular...lol...
dublin |
dublin...the capital city...this particular photo was taken from the gravity bar on the top of the guinness storehouse...again with the totally awesome weather...YAY!! during the entire trip we had rainy weather only once...that's amazing...everyone we talked to said we were incredibly lucky...apparently every year there is about a month of really good weather sometime in spring, and we were lucky enough to visit during that time...woo hoo!! we only had one day in dublin, of which the morning was filled with the guinness tour...if i go back to ireland, and i definitely want to go back, i'll make sure to spend more time in dublin...actually, if nothing else, i'll buy the guidebook for ireland...since this trip was all about kelley and jon, i had no guidebook...i barely had any idea where we were going each day until we got there...which is crazy, as i'm normally all about maps at the very least...at the brewery i was able to pick up a tourist map of the city, which helped enormously as i wandered around in the afternoon...i loved the parks, green spaces and open areas of the city...(partly because that isn't so common in seoul)...sport and family time is an important part of irish society, and it was neat to see that...
dublin |
my first stop after the morning guinness tour was the old kilmainham gaol...it's an important part of irish history because of all the people who were held there during it's time as a functioning prison...many of the people held there were political prisoners, they were leaders in various irish revolution movements...at some point i'll come back to this post, and fill in more names...(someone is going to have to remind me to do so)...this photo is of the east wing of the gaol, which was a new wing...at the time it was built, it was the latest in architecture for gaols...all the cells could be seen by standing in the middle of the walkways...it meant that there didn't have to be nearly as many security people working at the prison...these walkways and stairs were only available to the wardens...the prisoners had a spiral staircase for their use...which was deliberate, as it's hard to move quickly going up or down a spiral staircase...all architecture in a prison is based on controlling the behaviour of the prisoners...controlling movement makes it harder for the prisoners to get together and cause chaos...
dublin |
during the way we had to wander around dublin, i used the city sightseeing bus to get around town...it's 16€, and is one of those hop on hop off deals...i jumped on at guinness, went to the gaol, then went "downtown"...i don't know if the area is called downtown or not, but that's how i thought of it...dublin is the capital of the country, but after living in seoul, it felt like a small-ish town to me...not a lot of tall buildings, very few in fact...people walking all over...i walked into a couple big cathedrals, which i had to pay to do...i wasn't any more impressed with them than some of the other churches i saw in the country...the population of dublin is over a million people, and growing quickly...depending on who is measuring, and what exactly they're measuring, the population is expected to go over 2 million by 2020...
dungarvan |
dungarvan was actually the first town in which we stayed...instead of booking hotel rooms for all of us for the entire trip, kelley and jon rented houses...kelley is great at doing research and finding good bargains...they paid far less renting the houses than they would've paying for hotels...finding the house in dungarvan wasn't so easy...we had directions, but they took us through what was part of the st patricks day parade route...to avoid that, we had to make a turn that wasn't in the directions...street signage in ireland isn't at all what we're used to in the states, so it wasn't easy to figure out what street we were on, even when following the directions!! at one point, we ended up part of the parade...whoops...one of the police guys monitoring everything directed us (and the car that had fallen in behind us) out of the parade...luckily, he directed us onto the street we were looking for, though we didn't know it at the time...eventually, we did find the house, and it was great...there were 6 bedrooms!! how awesome is that?!?! a huge kitchen, a huge dining room and lounge...we weren't far from the local supermarket, so it was easy to get food for dinner each night...one night we had spaghetti bolognese, and the other night magan made mac and cheese...sooooo good!!
fethard |
on our way somewhere one day, we passed this little walled town of fethard...it's beautiful...a fully functioning walled town...there can't be many of those left in the world...and, it was beautiful...while driving by kelley realized that it would be a nifty kodak moment...since kelley doesn't like to be in photos, and insists that she is terrible at taking them, she doesn't often see these "kodak moments"...i was thrilled she saw this one...i think everyone enjoyed attempting to take picturesque photos...pretty much every photo was gorgeous, with this weather, and the beautiful town...us girls had fun goofing for a few photos, and at one point we got a picture of 8 of the 9 of us...yay for quick stops!!
galway |
obviously kelley has spent time in ireland previously...she wanted the make the trip the best possible for all of us, so all the places we stopped were what she thought are among the highlights of ireland...i don't think any of us had done any research ourselves, we were all thrilled with everything we did...
while staying in miltown malbay, we went to galway for a day...it's a port town, not that i ever got to the port...whoops...it's supposed to have great seafood restaurants, i missed those too...for reasons that i don't want to explain in public, lori and i decided to join forces that day...and it was great...lori is jon's mom, she lives in oregon...we walked around together all day, and had an awesome time...we had salads for lunch at a little out of the way bakery...lori doesn't eat gluten, which limits a lot of what she can eat...since we hadn't been having many veggies as a group, both of us were thrilled with the salad option...over the rest of the day, i dragged her into nearly every bakery in the city...lol...it felt as though i bought something at every bakery...everything looked soooo good! we found a cheese shop, that also had yummy things like stuffed peppers and artichoke hearts and stuffed olives...well, i don't think olives are good...ever...but kelley loves them...lol...
galway |
galway has a big, main cathedral...from the outside you can tell it's big, but the outside isn't nearly as fancy as other churches i've seen...the inside was great though, and i'm really glad we wandered around...the lighting was terrible at the time, and i wasn't able to get a good outside shot, and the picture above is the best i got inside...there is something about the little candles people light that absolutely fascinates me...i believe in God, but i've always wondered about praying for specific requests...how often do those requests come true? as the garth brooks song says, sometimes the best gifts are unanswered prayers...(though it usually takes a while to figure out that the unanswered prayer is actually the best option...these flags are the flags of the families of the area...i think...again, it was great to see so many people out enjoying the wonderful weather...
galway |
i'd never seen a swing like this...lori had though, and knew what to do...it's basically a bucket that goes around and swings you upside down if you let it...that probably doesn't make any sense with this photo, but it was awesome...i was also slightly motion sick when i tried to stand up...lol...there was a small playground area as part of the square area that was the center of town...a lovely place to hang out...lori and i found the nearby tourist information office, and were able to pick up town maps, and come up with a plan of sorts to see what we could...galway doesn't have a lot of sights persay, but it has a lot of character...we stopped in several chocolate shops in addition to all the bakeries...and, of course, i bought postcards...when do i not buy postcards?!?!
miltown malbay |
we stayed in miltown malbay when our next tourist sight was the cliffs of moher...our house in miltown malbay was small, there were some interesting room sharing situations...and those situations shifted after i discovered that chris wasn't the only snorer in the group...i slept a whole lot better after that switch occurred...
miltown malbay is a very small town, there is hardly anything to it...it was about a five minute walk to a little market where we picked up food for dinner...everyone was on their own one of the nights in MM, i think i ended up with a meat and cheese sandwich...the other night kelley and jon made tacos...yum...i definitely could've eaten more of those...again, i noticed most people in the group didn't help themselves to as many of the veggie options for their tacos...why not? one evening i went for a walk just because i could...the weather was still great, and i figured i should take advantage...i think all of us were expecting the great weather to end at any moment, so waking up every morning to a mostly blue sky was lovely...
miltown malbay |
ireland is known for it's pub culture, so you would think we would've gone out more than we did...but we hardly went out at all...actually, there was only one night of going to a pub during our entire time in ireland...wierd...i'm holding a glass of guinness in this photo, just for fun...obviously, i didn't drink it...this night out was lori's idea, she said kelley and jon needed alone time...she made the plans and told the rest of us w/out telling jon and kelley...they were a bit confused to see the rest of us ready to go out, when they had no idea what was happening...hee hee...the night was fun...one of the locals in the pub decided to put inappropriate songs on the "jukebox" much to our amusement...big bamboo and did you ever get the ride are classics by seamus moore...(and i'd love to get them in mp3 form, we all laughed nonstop while listening)...i splurged and had a couple orange juices...lol...that's my idea of a big night out, in any country!
muckross |
muckross was another place where we had trouble finding the house...it didn't help that it was long after dark, and we didn't have specific directions...in the end, we called the guy, who was able to see our car lights and directed us right to the house...we had a photo of it in the daylight, but didn't know how it would appear in the dark...we didn't know for sure which side of the road we needed, how far it was off the road, etc...this ended up feeling like the biggest house...the kitchen was GINORMOUS...it took a while for the boys to figure out the heating, but the house warmed up nicely...
muckross |
both of these photos were taken in the morning...i ended up waking up earlier than most people in the house, and morning seemed to be a quiet time for everyone, regardless of who woke up when...these clouds came in fast, and for a while i wasn't even able to see the mountains/hills behind them...this was the view from the front of the house...from the back of the house we had other great views...if i lived there i'm not sure i'd ever want to leave the house! the only other time i've felt that way was in jill and howard's house near urenui, new zealand...
omeath | |
omeath was the last place we stayed...it's a small village just down the road from carlingford, which is a small town to begin with...the house at omeath had the fewest bedrooms, but somehow we made it all work anywho...it also had a balcony, so the guys smoked cuban cigars out there one night...ewww, gross...we played a lot of uno in that house...actually, the group played uno quite a few nights...since i'm one for going to bed early, i missed most of those nights, but i did play one night in omeath...that game has the potential to go on and on and on!! our first night i went for a walk before dinner...the weather was a bit chillier, but still sunny, and i liked being out during the sunset time...
omeath |
there is a beach of sorts near omeath, and i loved sitting and just watching the water...i'm a swimmer at heart, and probably always will be...water will always put my mind to rest...i would've stayed out there for way longer, except that it was getting pretty chilly...
omeath was where we stayed during the last couple nights in ireland...by that point we were all saddened to realize that the trip was almost over...i loved it all, and have to figure out a way to get back someday!!
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