the next morning i took a bus back to lisbon for the last couple days of my was easy to get to and easy to find my hostel, and i was able to check in straightaway...i relaxed for a couple hours, to get over the travel and early morning i'd had...
i finally figured out how to get to a church i'd wanted to see, but ended up balking at the entrance fee, so i only looked at the outside...well, i visited the church itself, but didn't pay the entrance fee for the monastery/museum part of the sight...
lunch was the house special at a nearby cafe...codfish and rice...pretty good:) (but lacking in vegetables, as usual)
for the rest of the day i walked toward belem again just because i could, and the weather was nice...i love to some point i turned around, then shopped for a while, just to kill time...i remember trying on four dresses in one shop and hoping the mirror was a bad mirror, as i felt like my legs looked quite large...i'm not normally one for shopping anywho...
the next morning i woke up early, but was really really slow about getting out the door...i walked to the parque dos nacoes area of town, as the description in the guidebook sounded nice...i don't know if it was the weather or the season, but i was disappointed...the gardens were hardly worth mentioning...there was a big mall, which was great for people watching, but otherwise nothing worth mentioning...
as i got back to the city centre i visited several souvenir shops in search of the cheapest postcards...when you buy them in the quantity i do, a small difference in price can make a large difference! i bought so many at one shop that the owner gave me a free awesome is that?
the next morning i was up early, waiting for the shuttle i thought i had arranged to take me to the airport...the scheduled time came and went, and no shuttle arrived...ugh...i walked a bit to a fancier hotel, and grabbed a cab to the cost me more than twice as much as the shuttle would've cost, but at least i made my flight...
that was only the first mishap of the day...i'm pretty sure my phone fell out of my pocket in the cab, as i later realized i had no idea where it was, and i knew it had been in my pocket that morning...i had two flights that day, both of which went smoothly; the connection was in rome...
my bag must've decided it wanted to visit rome, as it did not make the last leg of the trip back to kyiv...i was not the only person who started the day in lisbon, then connected in rome, and finished in kyiv, and i was not the only one who did not get their bag back...i'm glad their were others in my same predicament, it was easy for all of us to get mad at the airlines together...i'm also glad i lived at my final destination for the day, as i had other clothes and personal belongings to wear/use...a couple days later my bag was delivered to my flat:)...that was almost more convenient than me getting it home from the airport myself:)
the frustrating part of dealing with lost luggage at the kyiv airport is watching the way a queue does not work...there was a queue, but locals kept jumping queue and interrupting people being served...the people working in the office would talk to the interrupters and stop working on paperwork with whoeva was sitting in front of took me over an hour to deal with just my claim, even though my actual time of talking/filling out the form was less than ten minutes...argh...i hate the way so many locals think they are more important than others and feel it's okay to interrupt...
07 January 2013
05 January 2013
portugal: evora, beja, elvas
my transit between towns/areas of portugal took the better part of the morning this time...a train from porto to lisbon, a metro ride from the train station to the bus station, then a bus to evora...
after arriving in evora, i discovered a mixup between the listed address of my hostel, and the address of where i was actually going to stay...i basically checked in at the first location, then the manager walked with me to where i was going to meant a lot of walking with my pack, which wasn't so much fun since i wasn't mentally prepared to do so...(not that i carry so much stuff, it was just awkward, and i was tired)...
walking from the bus station into the town center involved walking through the old town walls...evora is an old walled city, another UNESCO town...i think it was originally founded by the celts, (who called it ebora,) and was later ruled by the romans and is now home to more than 50,000 people...the portuguese and spanish fought here as well...
i dropped my stuff, then started exploring...evora is a small town in eastern portugal, not far from the spanish border...i walked past the ruins of a roman temple, which is now just a bunch of columns in the middle of a square...
i was able to climb up the tower of one church, giving me a lovely view over the area...the church itself is baroque, meaning (to me at least) a very 'busy' interior...
at this point i realized i was starving, and found a cafe at which i had a local specialty...i've forgotten the name of my food, but i remember thinking it was a portuguese version of what americans would call stuffing...and meat...(of course...most meals in portugal seem to involve meat)...I WANT VEGETABLES! how does anyone in this country stay healthy with such a regularly unhealthy diet? how do vegetarians stay healthy here?
my next sight was called the bones's small, connected to a full church...there is an entry fee, it's basically a room whose walls are entirely covered in bones...skulls and arm/leg bones...there is 'art' in the arrangement, but it's also creepy in a fascinating way...
i was able to find a supermarket to pick up vegetables and other snacks...
i spent time that night chatting with a kiwi and a scot who were also staying in my hostel...i love the variety of accents:) main complaint about the hostel was that it did not have enough plugs...only one plug in my room with four beds!
the next morning i went with the kiwi to the bus station, we had decided to do a day trip...we had perfect timing, and hopped straight onto a bus bound for beja...(alliteration anyone?)...beja is another old town with a history of varied rulers...celts, christians, moors, visigoths, etc...
upon arrival we immediately found a cafe for lunch...another typical portuguese meal: meat and carbs...we had meat, rice, and fries...not bad, not at all noteworthy either...
it took us a while to find the main sight in beja, as we had to wind through the town's made up of small streets, you never know where you'll go around a corner and end up facing a completely different direction from what you intended...
the castle/tower we wanted to visit seemed open for visits, and we couldn't find a ticket office of any kind...oh well...we enjoyed climbing up what we could, trying to find interesting angles for's really small, we only spent 30 minutes visiting...
we also visited a church with manueline decoration...the ceiling was was small, but we both loved it...i felt as though we stumbled in at the right time, it didn't seem as though it is always open...its technically a museum, not a church, but doesn't feel that way...
on the way back to the bus station we kept searching for ice cream...all sorts of cafes had signs indicating they had it, but we couldn't find it...argh...we arrived back in evora at dusk, and ended up getting lost on the way back to the hostel...ooops...
the next morning we were up early, and again walked to the bus station...this time we took a bus to elvas, another small town in the area...another old, walled city, another UNESCO town...elvas almost allows one to see into spain, which is only 15km's a frontier town...
arrival in elvas meant staring out the window as the bus passed by a large, three level, ancient roman aqueduct...elvas itself is surrounded by not one but two walls with a moat (well, it used to be a moat, there is no longer any water) in between the two can get up onto the top of the wall in various places, the views over the area are great...especially since the town is built on a hill...
we walked around in circles for a while, enjoying the views, and peaceful atmosphere...
unlike the day before, our lunch in elvas was AMAZING...we stopped into a random local cafe, and ordered the daily special...not only was it only 6euro, it seemed to be unlimited servings of meat, veggies, and rice...YUM!!! i'm not likely to go back to elvas (i've now seen the whole town, there is no reason to go back) but if i do, i will find that cafe again...
there are a number of churches in the town, though most of them seemed closed...we ended up going to the information office to get help to see the churches...
a lady from the information office walked with us to two churches which were locked, she opened them for us, which we was a mosque that had previously been a church...or was it the other way around? i don't remember now...after seeing those churches she also told us where to find other open churches in the town...
on the way back to the bus station, we visited the military museum, which i really enjoyed...more views over the area, walking on the city walls, a couple memorials, travel buddy talked to a local guard for a while as i wandered...i think we were the only visitors at the time, and the guard wanted to practice his english...
at the bus station my travel buddy and i parted ways...he went on to cross the border into spain, i went back to evora for one last night...that night i had three other ladies in my room...a french girl, an italian girl, and a polish girl...
after arriving in evora, i discovered a mixup between the listed address of my hostel, and the address of where i was actually going to stay...i basically checked in at the first location, then the manager walked with me to where i was going to meant a lot of walking with my pack, which wasn't so much fun since i wasn't mentally prepared to do so...(not that i carry so much stuff, it was just awkward, and i was tired)...
walking from the bus station into the town center involved walking through the old town walls...evora is an old walled city, another UNESCO town...i think it was originally founded by the celts, (who called it ebora,) and was later ruled by the romans and is now home to more than 50,000 people...the portuguese and spanish fought here as well...
i dropped my stuff, then started exploring...evora is a small town in eastern portugal, not far from the spanish border...i walked past the ruins of a roman temple, which is now just a bunch of columns in the middle of a square...
at this point i realized i was starving, and found a cafe at which i had a local specialty...i've forgotten the name of my food, but i remember thinking it was a portuguese version of what americans would call stuffing...and meat...(of course...most meals in portugal seem to involve meat)...I WANT VEGETABLES! how does anyone in this country stay healthy with such a regularly unhealthy diet? how do vegetarians stay healthy here?
my next sight was called the bones's small, connected to a full church...there is an entry fee, it's basically a room whose walls are entirely covered in bones...skulls and arm/leg bones...there is 'art' in the arrangement, but it's also creepy in a fascinating way...
i was able to find a supermarket to pick up vegetables and other snacks...
i spent time that night chatting with a kiwi and a scot who were also staying in my hostel...i love the variety of accents:) main complaint about the hostel was that it did not have enough plugs...only one plug in my room with four beds!
the next morning i went with the kiwi to the bus station, we had decided to do a day trip...we had perfect timing, and hopped straight onto a bus bound for beja...(alliteration anyone?)...beja is another old town with a history of varied rulers...celts, christians, moors, visigoths, etc...
upon arrival we immediately found a cafe for lunch...another typical portuguese meal: meat and carbs...we had meat, rice, and fries...not bad, not at all noteworthy either...
it took us a while to find the main sight in beja, as we had to wind through the town's made up of small streets, you never know where you'll go around a corner and end up facing a completely different direction from what you intended...
the castle/tower we wanted to visit seemed open for visits, and we couldn't find a ticket office of any kind...oh well...we enjoyed climbing up what we could, trying to find interesting angles for's really small, we only spent 30 minutes visiting...
we also visited a church with manueline decoration...the ceiling was was small, but we both loved it...i felt as though we stumbled in at the right time, it didn't seem as though it is always open...its technically a museum, not a church, but doesn't feel that way...
on the way back to the bus station we kept searching for ice cream...all sorts of cafes had signs indicating they had it, but we couldn't find it...argh...we arrived back in evora at dusk, and ended up getting lost on the way back to the hostel...ooops...
the next morning we were up early, and again walked to the bus station...this time we took a bus to elvas, another small town in the area...another old, walled city, another UNESCO town...elvas almost allows one to see into spain, which is only 15km's a frontier town...
arrival in elvas meant staring out the window as the bus passed by a large, three level, ancient roman aqueduct...elvas itself is surrounded by not one but two walls with a moat (well, it used to be a moat, there is no longer any water) in between the two can get up onto the top of the wall in various places, the views over the area are great...especially since the town is built on a hill...
we walked around in circles for a while, enjoying the views, and peaceful atmosphere...
unlike the day before, our lunch in elvas was AMAZING...we stopped into a random local cafe, and ordered the daily special...not only was it only 6euro, it seemed to be unlimited servings of meat, veggies, and rice...YUM!!! i'm not likely to go back to elvas (i've now seen the whole town, there is no reason to go back) but if i do, i will find that cafe again...
there are a number of churches in the town, though most of them seemed closed...we ended up going to the information office to get help to see the churches...
a lady from the information office walked with us to two churches which were locked, she opened them for us, which we was a mosque that had previously been a church...or was it the other way around? i don't remember now...after seeing those churches she also told us where to find other open churches in the town...
on the way back to the bus station, we visited the military museum, which i really enjoyed...more views over the area, walking on the city walls, a couple memorials, travel buddy talked to a local guard for a while as i wandered...i think we were the only visitors at the time, and the guard wanted to practice his english...
02 January 2013
portugal: porto
another early morning bus took me from coimbra to porto...though portugal is small, the differences between lisbon and porto (portugal's two main cities) were apparent immediately...
unfortunately the weather was crap that whole day...yuck yuck i've said before (many times) and will probably say again (many times) i hate rain...and it rained most of this day...
i wasn't able to check into my hostel, but they let me drop my bags for a few hours, and use wifi...
upon starting my explorations, i tried to find the main post didn't happen...i'm guessing lonely planet labeled it wrong on the map, or perhaps it has moved since this edition of lonely planet was published...or maybe i'm just blind and missed something very obvious...
i did find a yummy pasteleria (surprise!) with a few items i hadn't seen before...of course i had to try them...i'm not a foodie, i don't go into food descriptions of pictures much, but they were yummy...and totally unnecessary, as i wasn't hungry...across the street from that pasteleria was a market, at which i found strawberries...i doubt they were in season, but it was well worth the splurge...i also found cheese, and was sorely tempted to buy several varieties...porto is known as a town in which to buy cheese and port...(hence the name: porto)...howeva the lack of refrigeration facilities on a regular basis reminded me this wouldn't be a good idea for a budget traveler...
i walked back down the hill, toward the river that flows through town, and bought a ticket for the palacio de was originally built by businessmen, and still functions as the chamber of commerce for can only see the building on a tour...there are paintings everywhere, the steps are built of granite, many rooms have specific themes for room has paintings of many members of portugal's royals over the my opinion, they were not attractive...the middle of the building is an area called the hall of nations, there are many flags to see...(it's always fun to play guess the flag)
the president and directors of the chamber of commerce still meet in the gold room of this building every month, and the full chamber meets once a year...the arabian room of the palace took 18 years to complete (and looks like the alhambra palace in spain) and the whole palace took 68 years to finish...unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to take photos...
from the palace i walked around the corner to the ingreja (church) de sao francisco...i started with a small museum, which led me down to the crypt...lots of tombs and bones everywhere...inside the church itself was a LOT of carved wood and gold leaf...
each time i went outside i had to deal with rain, and is difficult to take photos when rain continually lands on your camera lens, no matter which direction you feet were cold and wet, and i was generally pissed off at the world...
if it hadn't been for the rain, i would've really enjoyed my walk along the riverfront...i should mention that this area of porto is a UNESCO sight...i walked for a while, then went back up the hill to see the se...a cathedral/fortressy looking wasn't open, as there were no services at that hour...but it provided a nice view in several directions, and there was a break in the rain, yippee!!!
not long after i left the se, it started raining again, so i took refuge in a cafe and ate way more than i should've, even though the food wasn't wonderful...(adequate, but not great or bad...i should've picked somewhere else)
one of the sights mentioned in the guidebook is a particular bookstore...of course i's mentioned because the staircase in the middle of the store makes it quite picturesque...i wonder how many of their sales are due to tourists who just want to see what the fuss is all about? now called livraria lello, it was originally founded (under a different name, by different owners) in the late 1800s...
there was still a bit of daylight as i left the bookstore, but i was not in the mood to continue wandering, as the weather had finally gotten to for the night at my hostel...thankfully there was a space heater in my room...portuguese buildings don't often have heating systems, i spent a LOT of time during this trip huddling under blankets...this space heater felt like a true luxury!!
the next morning i woke up to fog...really? thoughts were something along these lines: first i get screwed by rain and now i won't be able to see far due to fog? not fair!! fortunately, the fog quickly...i walked to the bus station (i wanted to go to a UNESCO listed town nearby,) but it seemed to be closed...probably because it was 1 january...happy new year and all that...i'd forgotten, not that i've ever been big on celebrating this holiday...trains weren't running either, argh...
howeva, since the weather was far better today, i walked, a lot...i ended up retaking many of the photos i'd taken the day before...(blue skies always beat grey skies in a photo)
as i walked by the se, i realized it was open, as there was a service going on...the inside wasn't stunning, but i did appreciate the atmosphere in general...the organ was powerful, and there is always something that gets me when i hear so many people singing in unison...i could see at least 3 priests participating in the service...
i walked across one of several bridges, it's a nifty bridge...the upper level is for pedestrian use on the sides, public transport goes down the middle...private cars and taxis use a lower level...lovely views of the river from both sides of the bridge...
i walked to vila nova de gaia, which was once a separate village on the other side of the river from it's just part of the big city, though i think the actual boundaries make it technically is known as the home of several lodges that make and store was originally founded by the celts, and was once a town in the roman empire...
i didn't think much of the area, but i loved being able to look back at porto over the river...for people who have cameras with wide view lenses or the ability to stitch pictures together, it's a great place for photos...this is also where you can catch any number of boat tours along the river...(which are probably quite popular in warmer months)...
i went back to the hostel to relax for a while, then headed out again after dark, i wanted a few photos at night...a beautiful town...
i should mention that porto is known for it's restaurants, and for that reason alone i'd like to go back, as i didn't make those part of my visit at all...
not only did i not visit the restaurants, i didn't get to any of the towns around next visit to portugal will definitely include a return to porto!
unfortunately the weather was crap that whole day...yuck yuck i've said before (many times) and will probably say again (many times) i hate rain...and it rained most of this day...
i wasn't able to check into my hostel, but they let me drop my bags for a few hours, and use wifi...
upon starting my explorations, i tried to find the main post didn't happen...i'm guessing lonely planet labeled it wrong on the map, or perhaps it has moved since this edition of lonely planet was published...or maybe i'm just blind and missed something very obvious...
i did find a yummy pasteleria (surprise!) with a few items i hadn't seen before...of course i had to try them...i'm not a foodie, i don't go into food descriptions of pictures much, but they were yummy...and totally unnecessary, as i wasn't hungry...across the street from that pasteleria was a market, at which i found strawberries...i doubt they were in season, but it was well worth the splurge...i also found cheese, and was sorely tempted to buy several varieties...porto is known as a town in which to buy cheese and port...(hence the name: porto)...howeva the lack of refrigeration facilities on a regular basis reminded me this wouldn't be a good idea for a budget traveler...
i walked back down the hill, toward the river that flows through town, and bought a ticket for the palacio de was originally built by businessmen, and still functions as the chamber of commerce for can only see the building on a tour...there are paintings everywhere, the steps are built of granite, many rooms have specific themes for room has paintings of many members of portugal's royals over the my opinion, they were not attractive...the middle of the building is an area called the hall of nations, there are many flags to see...(it's always fun to play guess the flag)
the president and directors of the chamber of commerce still meet in the gold room of this building every month, and the full chamber meets once a year...the arabian room of the palace took 18 years to complete (and looks like the alhambra palace in spain) and the whole palace took 68 years to finish...unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to take photos...
from the palace i walked around the corner to the ingreja (church) de sao francisco...i started with a small museum, which led me down to the crypt...lots of tombs and bones everywhere...inside the church itself was a LOT of carved wood and gold leaf...
each time i went outside i had to deal with rain, and is difficult to take photos when rain continually lands on your camera lens, no matter which direction you feet were cold and wet, and i was generally pissed off at the world...
if it hadn't been for the rain, i would've really enjoyed my walk along the riverfront...i should mention that this area of porto is a UNESCO sight...i walked for a while, then went back up the hill to see the se...a cathedral/fortressy looking wasn't open, as there were no services at that hour...but it provided a nice view in several directions, and there was a break in the rain, yippee!!!
not long after i left the se, it started raining again, so i took refuge in a cafe and ate way more than i should've, even though the food wasn't wonderful...(adequate, but not great or bad...i should've picked somewhere else)
one of the sights mentioned in the guidebook is a particular bookstore...of course i's mentioned because the staircase in the middle of the store makes it quite picturesque...i wonder how many of their sales are due to tourists who just want to see what the fuss is all about? now called livraria lello, it was originally founded (under a different name, by different owners) in the late 1800s...
there was still a bit of daylight as i left the bookstore, but i was not in the mood to continue wandering, as the weather had finally gotten to for the night at my hostel...thankfully there was a space heater in my room...portuguese buildings don't often have heating systems, i spent a LOT of time during this trip huddling under blankets...this space heater felt like a true luxury!!
the next morning i woke up to fog...really? thoughts were something along these lines: first i get screwed by rain and now i won't be able to see far due to fog? not fair!! fortunately, the fog quickly...i walked to the bus station (i wanted to go to a UNESCO listed town nearby,) but it seemed to be closed...probably because it was 1 january...happy new year and all that...i'd forgotten, not that i've ever been big on celebrating this holiday...trains weren't running either, argh...
howeva, since the weather was far better today, i walked, a lot...i ended up retaking many of the photos i'd taken the day before...(blue skies always beat grey skies in a photo)
as i walked by the se, i realized it was open, as there was a service going on...the inside wasn't stunning, but i did appreciate the atmosphere in general...the organ was powerful, and there is always something that gets me when i hear so many people singing in unison...i could see at least 3 priests participating in the service...
i walked across one of several bridges, it's a nifty bridge...the upper level is for pedestrian use on the sides, public transport goes down the middle...private cars and taxis use a lower level...lovely views of the river from both sides of the bridge...
i walked to vila nova de gaia, which was once a separate village on the other side of the river from it's just part of the big city, though i think the actual boundaries make it technically is known as the home of several lodges that make and store was originally founded by the celts, and was once a town in the roman empire...
i didn't think much of the area, but i loved being able to look back at porto over the river...for people who have cameras with wide view lenses or the ability to stitch pictures together, it's a great place for photos...this is also where you can catch any number of boat tours along the river...(which are probably quite popular in warmer months)...
i went back to the hostel to relax for a while, then headed out again after dark, i wanted a few photos at night...a beautiful town...
i should mention that porto is known for it's restaurants, and for that reason alone i'd like to go back, as i didn't make those part of my visit at all...
not only did i not visit the restaurants, i didn't get to any of the towns around next visit to portugal will definitely include a return to porto!
livraria lello,
palacio de bolsa,
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