03 June 2011

back to the beach(es)

Back in seminyak…I was pretty proud of making it back without any majour stories to tell…no wrecks, no majour getting lost, etc…no majour stories to tell either, but that didn’t matter much…I had a few good photos, and it was nice to be with the family again…I went to the beach that afternoon, and did it without getting lost…woo hoo!!  On the way home from the beach I shopped for bikinis…I have a good one, and I love it, but part of me wants another…do I need another? No…do I want one? Yes…since there is a lot of surfing all over Indonesia, all the majour surfing brands have shops here…and for some products, I’m a brand name junkie…since I didn’t have the cash on me, I didn’t buy anything…but I found a few I wanted…I have weight I want to lose, but I don’t consider myself huge…howeva, I’m usually wearing the largest, or 2nd to largest size these stores have…what do most Americans wear?
The next morning I got up and went to a supermarket, getting full milk and mini croissants…I’d been dying to make chai again…it was yummy…so were the mini croissants, especially when they were dipped in “plain” (it said plain, but it was pretty sweet and tasted like vanilla to me) yoghurt…later that afternoon I went to the beach, and from there drove to jimbaran, on the bukit peninsula…I met angie at a mcdonald’s (it was a spot she knew I could find) and we drove to a fish market…lots of seafood available, to say the least…all different colours too…she picked out a couple snapper, telling me what she looks for when buying fresh fish…we also got some fruit that makes me think of snakeskins…the fruit inside tastes like a cross between a tart apple and a pear…YUM…I’d never had them, and after trying one, I suggested we get a kilo for dinner…woo hoo…
As soon as we got home, angie put anna and I to work…chopping up a bunch of stuff to add to the fish…she bbq’d the fish, and added to everything else, the meal was AMAZING…after dinner, all of us (willie, anna, me, angie, mom, dad) went to a movie…a family outing…we saw “driving angry” with Nicholas cage…definitely one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen…and it was LOUD…we couldn’t help but laugh at how bad it was…just awful…since it was so loud, after the movie was over, as we walked back to the van, we were all pretty quiet…shell shocked I think…just awful…
The next day I moved into kuta…it’s the crazy crazy crazy tourist centre of the island…nearly everyone who comes to bali spends a night or two in kuta at some point…there is a giant beach that goes for 8km or something like that, tons of accommodation in every price range, and shopping…not much else…I was lucky enough to get a room in the same place I stayed during both visits in 2009…it’s super cheap, but I don’t need much…(by comparison, the room I stayed in with the clark family was a palace)…since I’m on a motorbike this time, I’ve realized just how crazy traffic is around here, and just how many tourists are here…it’s nuts…fortunately, I’m able to ignore most of it…what always gets me is when I’m walking onto the beach, and someone offers transport…I’m walking onto the beach, does it look like I want to go anywhere else??????
Since moving into kuta I haven’t done much…beach time, reading time, online time mostly…a couple times I’ve met up with angie and anna, we’ve played badminton…it’s the national sport, which meant we got our butts kicked by the local kids…fun…and I was super sore after the first day…lol…I’ve also gone to play touch rugby, good times…rugby is the best sport, and the only one I know where a total stranger can rock up to practice, and be fully welcomed into whateva is happening…drills, scrimmage, etc…awesome…if I decide to stay on bali, it’s something I want to get into regularly, because I miss playing in seoul…

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