13 August 2011

airport nights

toward the end of all this traveling (4.5 months worth of traveling) i spent a LOT of time in airports...sleeping in airports several nights...needless to say, some airports are better than others...the best airports are those with all night kiosks, though this isn't common...i've slept near baggage carousels, on seats, and in coffee shops...i've read gossip magazines, surfed the web (gotta love airports with free internet access) and shopped...more often than not, i eat too much when i'm killing time in an airport...
i saw this video a while ago, and it made me laugh...every time i sleep in an airport i think about what kind of trouble it's possible to get into, just to kill time...these guys are professional videographers, so obviously they made a good video, but it's still pretty funny...if i recall correctly, the airport where they did all this wasn't thrilled, and had to look into it's security measures:)

how to spend time in an airport

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