17 July 2012

chicago pt 2

i flew back into chicago on a friday morning...kelley picked me up at the airport...i love that she drives an olive green car, it's much easier to identify when you're waiting outside...i had the option of going to work again, or staying at home and napping...i chose the nap...

the next morning all 4 of us (kelley, jon, me, meatball) piled in the car and drove to indiana...on the way we stopped for a break (meatball needed to get out of the car) at a dairy farm/business...as suggested, i got a milkshake...(mint chocolate chip)...YUM...the business has a barn where you can watch babies born, see cheese made, etc...there is also a bouncy floor...i realize that doesn't make any sense, so think of it this way: a giant floor made of the same material you see in bouncy slides and such...SO MUCH FUN...jon and i were the only ones bouncing at that hour, i loved it...my new favourite place in indiana!

we dropped jon off on campus, then continued to kelley's parents house...i first met kelley's parents when kelley and i were in uni at indiana university...since i attended the university in my hometown, i never got to "go home for the weekend"...kelley invited me a couple times that year, her parents were always very welcoming...how could i not love going to a house where i'm offered apple pie AND cheesecake for breakfast?!?! plus, i love their house:)

we spent the night and next morning just relaxing...after going out to breakfast at a diner type restaurant we packed up the car and drove back to chicago...we got to stop at the dairy place again, though this time i settled for a kids cone: a scoop of chocolate ice cream...the next smallest item on the menu was a double scoop, which i really didn't need!!

dinner that night at portillo's, a well known chicago chain of chicago style fast food...hot dogs, italian beef sandwiches, pasta, etc...i don't always mention where i eat dinner, but both this place and malnati's are special to chicago...if i understand correctly, you can order from each of them around the country, their products are delivered!!

all day monday i hung out in the house, doing dishes and laundry, as well as packing...my flight to vegas wasn't until early evening...

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